

The World Doctors Orchestra is a registered non-profit association. Contribution receipts will be issued for donations of 200 Euro or more.

We are pleased to receive your donation by either of the following options:

Bank transfer:
World Doctors Orchestra e.V.
Dt. Apotheker- und Aerztebank, Richard-Oskar-Mattern-Straße 6, 40547 Düsseldorf, Germany
Bank Code: 300 606 01
Account: 000 729 4786
IBAN: DE52 3006 0601 000 729 4786

Credit card:
I have clarified in advance with my bank that my credit card is activated to be charged the respective amount in Germany.

I hereby confirm that I will donate the following amount to the World Doctors Orchestra:

Please supply your address if you wish to receive a donation receipt:

Yes, I want to donate the above amount.

Next Concerts

Saturday, April 5, 2025
Palais Universitaire, Strasbourg, France

Sunday, April 6, 2025
Philharmonie de Paris, France

Claude Debussy 
La Mer

Henri Tomasi
Concerto in C for Trumpet and Orchestra

Camille Saint-Saëns
Symphony No. 3 in C minor “Organ Symphony” 

World Doctors Orchestra
Stefan Willich conductor
Johannes Leiner trumpet
Marc Baumann organ

Tickets Strasbourg (available soon)
Tickets Paris

More information